One Of My Favorite Beaches In St. John

Well as my favorite ole singer Willie Nelson so aptly put it years ago “Let’s Get Back To The Basic of Life!" Looks like this virus thing is beginning to run it’s course. If you’re like me I suspect you have been personally touched by this epidemic. I know I have by losing an old friend, and several acquaintances as the virus ran rampant around me and frankly scarred the “Shit” outta me. 

To the good news, as of my latest update of March 11th (don’t know why they haven’t updated the last week or so) there is one confirmed active case on St. John and it’s been in single digits for nearly two months. Great news for island restaurants, bars, villa owners and of course, you.   

I don’t know about you, but with two shots of Moderna and a couple of extra weeks since the last one; I’m more than ready to get the HELL outta here for someplace warm, sunny, relaxing with great beaches. Hey! That spells St. John to me – how about you?


Been a whole lotta changes at this beach over the last year or so. Most don’t like em but unfortunately, we have to accept “progress” such as it is. Let me know what you personally think?

Now here’s what you wanta do if the above makes your teeth grate or you just don’t want see what’s called progress. Just turn your back on the above pics and focus straight ahead at THIS!

You know where you are yet? Why Maho Bay of course? Always lots of turtles and generally pretty quiet in the morning til about 11:00 am or when the hordes “may” descend upon you. But just put it into perspective – a crowd at this beach is no comparison to crowds in the Summer on the East Coast! So, what ya waiting for? Pack your coolers, chairs and head to this famous St. John Beach.

Spring is just around the corner and virus in our rear view mirror. I’ll “Leave The Lite On For You” at your island home – Bordo Mare or Sopra Mare.